2 Responses to “Appinventor app #1: Abilene”
  1. 4est says:

    Wow. Originally I thought it looked very easy but as I read on I began to understand how complicated it is/can get. Great post. The app inventor uses a platform very similar to a program I used to own called game creator. It was an engine like the app creator only you put in the sprites, buttons, and could even input small sections of code if you were advanced enough. Its free online if you wanna check it out, might help somehow. Anyway favorite blog yet, the app is great (you did a great job with the limitations) keep up the good work

    • cds07a says:

      Thanks! Yes I will for sure check out game creator. Goggles inventor is a lot like lego build too…Hah. I understand the seeming easy comment, heck, that’s why I thought I’d get into it, but alas, its not as easy as it looks. Thank you for the comment! You’ll have to see the full app in action on a phone it runs flawlessly. 🙂 I’m really glad you like my blog, ill do my best to keep it up!

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